Please select one of the following services for more information:
This website is updated on a regular basis, so make sure to check back for any changes that may currently be applicable.
If you are applying for a visa or sending documents by mail, we recommend you use Express Mail, Priority Mail or a Courier for security purposes. Please include a self-addressed prepaid envelope for the return of your documents. Please include your telephone number and email address where you can be reached in case you need to be contacted for additional information. If your documents are incomplete for any reason, they may be sent back to you.
If you are using a prepaid courier service, your name and address must appear as the Sender and Recipient. The Consulate of Panama should not appear on the waybill.
If you are applying in person, we are only accepting visitors with appointments. If you have specific questions, send us an email at info@consulateofpanama.com or check the website under Contact for more information and office hours.
PLEASE NOTE: All fees must be paid by money order or certified check made out to The Consulate of Panama. We do not accept personal checks. Cash will only be accepted if applying in person.
All documents should be sent to the following address:
1100 Poydras St.
2615 Energy Centre
New Orleans, LA 70163